Uganda’s First Ever National Housing Symposium

Approximately 1.8 billion people worldwide live in homelessness, informal settlements and grossly inadequate housing, often in overcrowded conditions, lacking access to water and sanitation – making them particularly vulnerable to contracting health issues.
Prime Time Communications, a communications and visibility consultancy firm was contracted by Habitat for Humanity Uganda (HFHU) a non-profit housing organisation to provide consultancy services for the support of resource mobilisation, media management and events management for its 40th year anniversary celebrations.
To crown up the 40 year anniversary celebrations, Prime time communications worked hand in hand with the management of Habitat for Humanity Uganda to organise the first ever Uganda Housing Symposium at Speke Resort Munyonyo Hotel on 7th October 2022.
Among the services provided by Prime Time Communications for the success of the event include;
- Resource mobilisation through multi-stakeholder Engagement;
Under this activity, Prime Time communications supported HFHU through ;
- Developing a fundraising concept and plan,
- Writing a solicitation letter and delivered it to the partners,
- Reached out to potential partners to attend the symposium and support the fundraising of the 40 homes HFHU intends to build,
- Organised breakfast fundraising meetings
The meeting was attended by Rotarians from Bunyoro Kitara who raised money to build for the conjoined twins a house.
2. Media /Publicity Engagement
Prime Time Communications was assigned to improve the visibility of HFHU by developing the content and documentation for fundraising and publicity drive among which included;
- Documentary; Prime Time Communications wrote a script and developed a video documentary summarising the 40 years journey of HFHU’s interventions in Uganda.
- Development of Testimonial videos and articles: The consultant firmed and wrote several article testimonies about HFHU beneficiaries. The videos were shared on the various social media pages and also played during the Uganda Housing Symposium.
- Graphics design: Prime Time Communications developed various social media flyers used to create awareness for the Uganda Housing Symposium and the fundraising campaign
- Feature stories and articles: The consultants wrote feature articles and other articles about Habitat for Humanity Uganda events and activities which were published in newspapers.
- Media Coordination: Prime Time Communications coordinated various media houses to provide coverage for HFHU activities in its intervention areas. The articles and stories were published on TV, newspapers and online sites to create wide awareness and coverage.
- Social media management team comprised of influencers regularly posted content about HFHU and its activities geared towards the campaign named HabitatUg@40. The team also run on HFHU’s social media platforms including Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn and their own accounts in order to reach a wider audience. The team used hashtags including; #HabitatUgAt40 #UgHousingSymposium#WorldHabitatDay.
3. Events Management; Prime Time Communications supported HFHU in organising the first ever Uganda Housing Symposium through;
- Mobilising and confirming of participants to attend the Uganda Housing Symposium
- Sourced an events company to set up for the event
- Provided ushers and a registration list of participants
- Provided photography services at the events